FInding Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse is in the Constellation of Orion

Find Your Star

Vedic Astrology is a lunar based system. At the time of birth the Moon is connected to a Star which starts the cycle. Betelgeuse is the star in the shoulder of Orion. It is connected to the Lunar Mansion or Nakshatra of Ardra. The Moon is connected to the mind.

There are 27 Lunar Mansions and each has a mythology, animal which are themes throughout life. Ardra is associated with a female dog.

Explore your Vedic Astrology chart and learn more about yourself and those who are guiding you.

"Know Thyself"

Vedic Astrology originates in India and is an ancient method to understand your life so you make better decisions and also better understand your past.

We have always looked to the sky and the stars to help understand our place in the universe.



vintage, astronomy, zodiac

The natal chart represents not only you, but family, friends, relatives  gurus, children. You are interacting in a oommunity context.

zodiac, astrology, zodiac sign

Charts also highlight areas of the body for health and talents

moon, phases, stars

Filled with symbolism and mythology, the Nakshatras give the themes in the area of life they reside.